Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 6 - Delicious Account, exploring Technorati etc.

Delicious Account
I already have a delicious account. I have had one for a couple of years now and it is great. The advantages are that you can access anybody else delicious account and end up with some fantastic resources without the bother and hassle of searching. You can see how many people access these resources - which gives you an indication of how good they are. I also like the comments made such as 'great maths resource'. The other advantage is that you can access all your favourite resources from anywhere in the world that has internet access. I found this was great when I was teaching in Oberon, Lithgow, Bathurst and Orange everyweek. It meant that I was able to access my favourite resources and print them off. The disadvantage is that anything you do put on delicious is not private. Therefore, anything that I don't mind sharing, I put into my delicious account. Whereas, anything personal such as my bank account etc, I put into favourites. Here is my delicious account:

I've explored Technorati - joined up, found and opened my blog, done this blog post as well as tagged it. However, am not sure how to do the HTML.

What do I think of Tagging.
Tagging is great. It makes it easy to find your resources, as well as easy to find other peoples resources in the same subject area.

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